Established Exe·Idea Ltd to bring excellent ideas for execusion in 1994. Over 20 years of consulting experience in both soft side of project management and operation and hard core engineering planning. Involved projects include public service management to information management, economic analysis as well as network planning in the sectors of power, transportation, water and sewerage, and industrial estate development. Recently engaged in water supply and sanitation sector institutional building projects in India (2005-2008). Also led the F/S team for a highway network in Georgia (2007-2008). Developed a national master plan for rural electrification using Dynamic Programming Optimization in Bhutan (2003-2005). Now engaged in various institutional development projests in water sector in India.
PhD in City and Regional Planning, University of California, Berkeley, Masters in Economics, University of California and in Public Administration, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Over 20 years of experience in development planning, policy analysis as well as environmental policy planning. Appointed periodically as in-house consultant by JBIC for the past nine years (2000 to present) for the formulation of new projects as well as supervision and monitoring of the loan projects in India (2000- today). Recently engaged in supervision and management of environmental improvement planning and sewerage development of Panama City (2007-2008), Institutional development of renewable energy for rural development in Peru (2006-2008).
Specialized area: Latin American Countries with tremendous experiences in Peru, Brazil, and Chile; South Asian Countries in particular with India and Pakistan.
Served as Japanese Official Long Term Environmental Policy Adviser to the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Mauritius (1999-2000)
Masters in: Technology and Policy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Economics, Yale University; Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering, Waseda University
Her field of expertise covers a range of disciplines including community development both in rural and urban areas, social development, poverty reduction, and microfinance. Worked for JBIC (2004-2007) and engaged in project preparation/appraisal for South and South-east Asian Countries in the areas of community forestry, water, sanitation, tourism, and SME development. She has deep understanding and experiences for South Asian countries especially India and worked as a Country Coordination Specialist for JBIC (2007) after joining in Exe-idea. Since 2009 June, she is fully engaged in public awareness campaign and social development for Agra Water Supply Project in India.
M.A. in Economics, Graduate School of Economics, Ryukoku University.
B.A in Social Welfare, Nihon Fukushi University
Over 30 years experience in project evaluation, social development, institutional development, and regional cooperation. Worked for the Asian Development Bank (1988-2006) and engaged in country programming, project appraisal and regional cooperation. In ADB, processed and led several regional cooperation projects in the areas of transportation, energy, tourism, environment, and private sector cooperation. Joined Exe-idea in 2007 and engaged in a sewerage project in Vietnam as an economist/institution specialist (2007), transportation project in Georgia as a regional economist (2007-2008) and water supply project in India as a social development specialist (2008). Now he is a liason consultant for JICA to assist the implementation of East-West Highway Project in Georgia.
Majored in Sociology and specializes in Information and Communications Technology (system administrator) and Finance. Recently worked for JBIC Project Management Format (2006) and Third Party Evaluation on Japanese ODA Loan Projects (2007), both financed by JBIC.
B.A. in Sociology, Tokyo Woman’s Christian University
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